Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Foto Seksi Menerawang Paha Mulus Artis Sherina Munaf

Sherina Munaf

Sherina Munaf

Sherina Munaf

Sherina Munaf

Sherina Munaf

Obsession Sherina Munaf Schools in America

Sherina Munaf
finally decided to take courses abroad. Uncle Sam Affairs is his dream country went to university.

"I'm going to college in America in the near future. Now this hell I still have work to nyelesain some work remains to be me kerjain," said Sherina Munaf told reporters, in Ampera, South Jakarta, Tuesday, November 30, 2010.

In America, former child singer was planning to major in natural sciences related to biology in particular. Sherina's interest in science change the original intention to take a lecture about music.

"Once was desperate to music college, but I want to devote themselves to the world of science, especially biology, though useful," says singer 'Geregetan' it.

Sherina Munaf
adds to the music she prefers course. "I want to find science really new. I'm very interested in learning something, but I do not want to fix what the future want to work. Wanted to hell in accordance with the knowledge that I learned that later work," the singer was born in Bandung, June 11, 1990 that describes .

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