Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Foto Hot Audy Item Pamer Dada Membusung

Audy Item

Audy Item

Audy Item

Audy Item

Audy Item

Concerned about the condition of the Earth, Audy Item Join the 'Gaul'

Damage to the environment brings its own concerns for Audy Item. Number of illegal logging and also by the higher levels of pollution make the earth hotter. It made Audy Item moved to participate in the rescue action of the earth.

"I think (the Earth) is hotter than yesterday, yesterday, what is yes. It must be more environmentally conscious as well, I happen to also follow-Gault (Motion Action For the Environment), so give tips via Twitter, Facebook or singing in the cities or in schools, we love to their extension as well, "Audy said when met after Slash Concert at Istora Senayan, South Jakarta, Tuesday (3 / 8).

Because global warming is getting worse, according to Audy Item, should be done immediately surrounding environmental cleanup actions, and conduct rescue action for the earth.

"Now we've seen, yes, this season into this season, the climate has changed. Yes, we must start from the environment of our own times yes, use electricity and water needed, dispose of waste in place, and do not use plastic," she explained.

So what kind of activities are often manifested in support of saving the environment?

"I'm working with MOE (Ministry of Environment), so they often provide info-info. Now I'm learning, I want to know about the environment and all that stuff with me language, with virulence me. Insha Allah I can invite people to can better understand, "she said.

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